How to Get a Connecticut Real Estate License

Getting your Connecticut real estate license can seem intimidating, but it’s really not that hard once you know what to do. We’ve broken down everything you need to know here including costs, timing, eligibility, and earning potential. Just follow these simple steps to get your Connecticut real estate license and start selling real estate ASAP.
Step 1: Take a Connecticut Real Estate Course
Step 2: Submit License Application
Step 3: Pass the Exam
Step 4: Find a Broker
4 Steps to Get Your Connecticut Real Estate License
Step-By-Step Guide to Become a Licensed Real Estate Agent
Connecticut, the Constitution State, is a land of underexposed opportunities. If you live in CT or any part of New England, you know the state is bustling. You will notice the numerous industries here like healthcare, aerospace manufacturing, and shipbuilding. If all these industries are concentrated in one state, that could only mean one thing – there are a ton of people already here. It also means, that it’s an area that continues to attract newcomers.
Of course, despite the small size of the state, there are enough landed properties to satisfy the demands. With just a quick trip from Hartford to New Haven you can see the tremendous growth. Plus in this market, you have a high chance of success. At over $70,000, Connecticut has the highest personal income per capita in the country (the national average is $50,392).
Are you interested in becoming a real estate agent in the great state of Connecticut? Of course you are, real estate is booming here! Well, hold on tight cause we’re gonna fire off the four steps you need to get your hands on a Connecticut real estate license.
You ready? Let’s break it down, step by step.
Step 1: Complete 60 Hours Of Pre-licensing Education
You’re required to take a “pre-licensing” education class where you’ll study the principles of real estate, contracts, and finance.
Not a fan of school? Well, this course just might change how you feel about school. You have so many options! Some of them are even entirely online which has huge advantages! Online classes means you can do them at your own pace and work them in around your own schedule even if you have a full-time job. Also, the classes are only a total of 60 hours! That may seem like a big number, but to get started in a new career, that number is just a speck in time. Check out the best real estate schools in Connecticut.
The courses will cover the following topics:
- Real Property and the Law
- Concepts of Home Ownership
- Agency
- Real Estate Brokerage
- Listing Agreements and Buyer Representation
- Interests in Real Estate and Forms of Real Estate Ownership
- Legal Documents
- Transfer of Title and Title Records
- Real Estate Financing
- Leases and Property Management
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Land Use Controls and Property Development
- Fair Housing and Ethics Practices
- Environment Issues and Closing the Real Estate Transaction
- Real Estate Investment
- Connecticut Licensing Law
- Real Estate Taxes and Liens
- Real Estate Contracts
Step 2: Submit Application and Pass the Background Check
The next thing to do is to apply for your Connecticut real estate license. You will also submit details including your fingerprints for a background check. You will fill in your information on the Criminal Conviction Review Worksheet.
If you’ve found a brokerage to sponsor your license, you can fill out the Salesperson Sponsoring Broker Form. Otherwise, you can fill this form out after passing your exam.
Step 3: Pass The Connecticut Real Estate Exam
All real estate exams are coordinated by PSI, so you have to coordinate this step with them. When they approve you to take the test, they will send you an Examination Eligibility Postcard, including instructions for scheduling the exam. Within one year of your approval, you have to take the exam, so don’t wait too long to fill out the postcard.
The test is multiple choice format, and includes 110 questions (80 national and 30 state questions). You will be given a time limit of 165 minutes. You have to score at least 70% to pass the Connecticut Real Estate Salesperson Exam, and you will receive your results immediately. If you don’t pass, you can retake the examination several times.
You must pass both portions of the examination within one (1) year of eligibility.
Within two years of passing the exam, you have to activate your license.
Try to arrive early at your testing location as seating is limited. You are advised to bring at least 2 valid forms of government-issued photo ID and signature to the exam center.
Step 4: Find a Sponsoring Broker
Relax, this is the last step.
After passing the exam, you must find a real estate broker who will sponsor your license. This will finally mean you can submit the Salesperson Sponsoring Brokerage Form and complete your application.
In simple words, a broker is an experienced real estate salesperson who heads a brokerage. The broker has a wider range of experience than the regular real estate agent. A brokerage is a real estate company headed by a broker.
In the first years of your career, you are not allowed by the state to work for yourself. You will be in a brokerage and the broker and the senior agents there will show you the ropes, laws, policies, unwritten rules, and business secrets.
You’ll get to choose a brokerage you like, that focuses on a niche you love, that has a company culture you love, and most importantly … has a good commission rate, so your paycheck is XL. Worried about finding a brokerage yourself? Agent Advice helps with warm introductions to hiring brokerages if you sign-up for a class through us. Phew!
You have total freedom to choose your sponsoring broker. Here’s some things agents look at when choosing a brokerage:
- Commission Rate – Look at each brokerage’s commission rate when you’re shopping around. If they’ve got a good rate, your commission checks will be larger than life. 💸
- Niche – Maybe you want a brokerage that focuses on a niche on a location or a specific category of real estate like commercial retail, single family homes, or fixer-uppers. So if you have a specific interest you can find a broker who shares that interest.
- Culture – Maybe the company’s culture is important to you. If so, get to know what they’re all about, how they work, and what’s important to them.
That’s all just to say that you have the freedom to choose a brokerage that fits you.
Mission Complete
Those are the steps you need to get your Connecticut real estate license. Yes, you might have to trudge through paperwork, check boxes, file forms, burn the midnight oil, chug coffee … but after all that … you’ll have your license. We recommend printing it out on super-gloss and framing it. Leave some room next to it for your first commission check; A LOT of room!
That’s all folks! Once you make it through these steps you’ll have a brand new career ahead of you. If there’s anything we can do to help you make it through these steps please let us know. We’ve got pre-licensing classes, cram courses, and all sorts of resources to help.
CREA Requirements to get a real estate license
To qualify for a real estate salesperson’s license in Connecticut, you need to meet these basic requirements set by the Connecticut Real Estate Agency before proceeding. You must:
- Be at least 18 years or older
- You must hold a high school diploma (GED) or equivalent
- Be a US citizen
- Be lawfully eligible to work in the United States
- Pass a background check that involves you submitting your fingerprints
Reciprocity 🤝
If you’re already a licensed real estate salesperson in another state and you’d like to expand to Connecticut, the state permits reciprocity with current license holders with an active real estate license in the following states:
- Alabama
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- Mississippi
- Nebraska
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Rhode Island
What You Need Before Getting A Connecticut Reciprocal License
You just need to confirm the following before you can apply for a reciprocal license
- You must pay the salesperson license fee 💸
- You must provide a copy of your social security card, notarized verification of lawful presence,
- Hold an active license of the same real estate license category in another U.S. state
- Submit a background check and fingerprints;
- Pay the required fee to the exam services provider to take the state portion of the applicable license examination.
- For Salesperson applicants – Sponsoring broker must have an “active” Connecticut broker license.
How much does it cost to get your Connecticut Real Estate License?
Pre-licensing education and training costs
The estimated cost for this is around $200-$600 or more depending on the school or online program you select. This involves finding an accredited and qualified real estate school to clock your hours. As stated earlier, the state of Connecticut requires you to finish 60 hours of education.
Real estate licensing and exam fees
This fee schedule is estimated to cost about $400. The breakdown of this schedule is as follows: applying for your license will incur a charge of about $80. You will also need to pay for your license fee which is $285 plus $20 for the Guaranty Fund.
Real estate broker fees
These fees are estimated to cost anything from $30 to $450 per month. The real estate broker fees are the fees that you have to incur when you want to become associated with a recognized and accredited broker. As it is your first year, there are some things that your sponsor broker will provide. These things, such as office supplies, photocopies, internet, and any other business expenses, are usually associated with the daily operation of your business. It is also likely that you will have to pay a desk fee every month to help reimburse some of these costs.
Real estate membership dues
Membership dues and feels usually cost around $700 or more each year. And while they can qualify as a tax break in the state of Connecticut, they are still a significant expense for many Realtors. This fee typically depends on how many associations you want to join. For instance, you can become part of your local and state real estate boards.
Every one of these boards comes with a membership fee that has to be paid monthly or yearly for you to be able to enjoy the numerous advantages and networking options they offer. The local MLS or Multiple Listing Service will also have fees associated with them. Depending on where you are in the state, you may have to pay your monthly dues either to your broker or to the association directly.
Continuing Education
Becoming a real estate agent does not mean you stop educating yourself once you have passed your licensing tests. To stay an active agent, you have to meet SAE and CE requirements. Some CE courses are offered for free through local boards of realty. Additional designations, though optional, may also come with fees.
TOTAL: Approximately $1900 prices change but that is a good ballpark for your first year. This doesn’t have to be paid all at once. You can spread it out as you complete each step
How long does it take to get your real estate license in Connecticut?
Assuming you qualify for the requirements, earning a real estate license in Connecticut means you have to have completed 60 hours of accompanying real estate education.
You can finish the courses in as little as 2 weeks, but they can be done at your own pace.
The application review process can take about 2 weeks as well, so don’t sit on the paperwork for too long.
After you’ve passed your exam, you have two years from the date to activate your real estate license.
How much do real estate agents make in Connecticut?
The average real estate agent in Connecticut makes about $78,540 a year. This breaks down to $37.76/hour, which is significantly higher than the national average. The median annual wage for real estate sales agents nationwide was $49,040 in May 2020. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,100, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $112,410.